Friday, January 6, 2012

Internet Censorship Hits the US and UK - News Clip Round-up - July - Aug. 2011

I made this 4 U. Please, feel free to share it, pass it around, re-upload it if you get the urge ~ as with any of my videos, ~ much Love.

1. WSJW(WallStreetJrnl) Cyber Combat: Act of War:
2. Bloomberg tv - twitter riots
3. RT (RussiaToday) Censorship
4. WPRI 12 (Rhode Island) New Cyber Defense Facility :
5. CBS News Online - Internet in a Suitcase:
6. N/A will list it as soon as I find it again... obviously from NTDTV.COM, tho.. mew.
7. This last vid takes up half of the entire runtime, couldn't find any spots that were not important so I left it as-is.. use it however ~

View the original article here

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