Saturday, February 25, 2012

Obama and Bush's Plan Jeb's Ascent to the Throne: Infowars Nightly News

Bill Gates' media conflicts of interest and Andrew Wakefield's lawsuit against the British Medical Journal for defamation after claiming Wakefield engaged in manipulation and falsification of data and diagnoses after he linked autism to the MMR vaccine.

A satire post on that quips "at least 2 billion must die" to save the earth.

A decision by the New Jersey Assembly to violate the Second Amendment and ban all handgun ammo and some rifle ammunition.

A startling development in the Persian Gulf as third aircraft carrier group arrives amid an effort by the West to gear up for what will likely be a devastating attack on Iran in response to its phantom nuclear weapons program.

The unconscionable proliferation of dangerous radiation devices at the border, in prisons and on the streets of New York as the national security state leaps into overdrive.

Ron Paul takes the Tennessee Republican Assembly Convention Straw Poll as the corporate media continues to ignore the Texas representative's bid for the GOP nomination. Keeping in step with the effort to minimize the Paul ground swell, the TRA cut off voting two hours early and endorsed the poll loser, Rick Santorum.

The former boss of the Kansas City Fed, Herman Cain, delivers a clueless Republican Borg hive flock over to the neocon globalist Newt Gingrich.

And finally, an effort by FDA staffers to sue the agency over its surveillance of their personal email.

View the original article here

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